Gospel Shaped Home
Gospel Shaped Home is a family discipleship resource from Providence Church in Raleigh, North Carolina equipping you and your family to be on mission with God to the end of the street and the end of the earth.
95 episodes
One Shared Goal: Fear of God vs. Fear of Man Part 3
Our one shared goal is for church and home to partner together in the discipleship of the next generation. Sometimes that means we want to better equip parents with the things we’re talking about in Providence Kids and Providence Students so pa...
One Shared Goal: Ekklesia Part 3
Our one shared goal is for church and home to partner together in the discipleship of the next generation. Sometimes that means we want to better equip parents with the things we’re talking about in Providence Kids and Providence Students so pa...
One Shared Goal: Fear of God vs. Fear of Man Part 2
Our one shared goal is for church and home to partner together in the discipleship of the next generation. Sometimes that means we want to better equip parents with the things we’re talking about in Providence Kids and Providence Students so pa...
One Shared Goal: Ekklesia Part 2
Our one shared goal is for church and home to partner together in the discipleship of the next generation. Sometimes that means we want to better equip parents with the things we’re talking about in Providence Kids and Providence Students so pa...
One Shared Goal: Fear of God vs. Fear of Man Part 1
Our one shared goal is for church and home to partner together in the discipleship of the next generation. Sometimes that means we want to better equip parents with the things we’re talking about in Providence Kids and Providence Students so pa...
One Shared Goal: Ekklesia Part 1
Our one shared goal is for church and home to partner together in the discipleship of the next generation. Sometimes that means we want to better equip parents with the things we’re talking about in Providence Kids and Providence Students so pa...
6 Big Truths: Pursue God’s Mission (with Andy Owens)
Pursue God’s Mission is the sixth of our 6 Big Truths that we want to serve as an anchor in the discipleship of our kids. To go and make disciples of all nations is the task and calling of every believer. Join us as we think about ways to have ...
6 Big Truths: Love God’s People (with Sam Nelson)
Love God’s People in the fifth of our 6 Big Truths that we want to serve as an anchor in the discipleship of our kids. It’s in and through the church that God's manifold wisdom is made known. What does it mean to love God’s people and how can w...
6 Big Truths: Walk in God’s Ways
Walk in God’s Ways is the fourth of our 6 Big Truths that we want to serve as an anchor in the discipleship of our kids. For we are called to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him. Following Jesus isn’t just about knowing, ...
6 Big Truths: Listen to God’s Word
Listen to God’s Word is the third of our 6 Big Truths that we want to serve as an anchor in the discipleship of our kids. For the Word of God is living and active. How can we call and invite our kids to listen to God’s Word and establish our ho...
6 Big Truths: Trust God’s Son (with Alyson Miller and Rachel Lambert)
Trust in God’s Son is the second of our 6 Big Truths that we want to serve an anchor in the discipleship of our kids. For Jesus came to save sinners. What are ways to reinforce, remind, and teach this truth to our kids and help make our homes c...
6 Big Truths: Rejoice in God’s Greatness (with Emily Dodson)
Rejoice in God’s Greatness is the first of our 6 Big Truths that we want to serve as an anchor in the discipleship of our kids. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised. How do we help, model, and teach our kids to do this for God’s glo...
Ask Us Anything 7: How Do You Parent as a Team?
How Do You Parent as a Team? Join our family discipleship team for the seventh episode in our Ask Us Anything mini-series as we answer your questions and seek to apply biblical wisdom to different areas within parenting and family discipleship ...
Back to School Mailbag
As summer comes to a close and the school year has already begun or begins, it’s a new season of opportunity for church and home to partner together for the sake of discipleship. Join our family discipleship team as they talk about creating new...
Ask Us Anything 6: How Do You Encourage Confidence and Overcome Anxiety in Your Kids?
How Do You Encourage Confidence and Overcome Anxiety in Your Kids? Join our family discipleship team for the sixth episode in our Ask Us Anything mini-series as we answer your questions and seek to apply biblical wisdom to different areas withi...
Ask Us Anything 5: How Do You Balance Extracurricular Activities?
How Do You Balance Extracurricular Activities? Join our family discipleship team for the fifth episode in our Ask Us Anything mini-series as we answer your questions and seek to apply biblical wisdom to different areas within parenting and fami...
Ask Us Anything 4: How Do You Talk About and Practice the Ordinances With Your Kids?
How Do You Talk About and Practice the Ordinances With Your Kids? Join our family discipleship team for the fourth episode in our Ask Us Anything mini-series as we answer your questions and seek to apply biblical wisdom to different areas withi...
Ask Us Anything 3: What Are Your Biblical Thoughts on Teens Dating?
What are your thoughts on biblical dating and teenagers? Join our family discipleship team for the third episode in our Ask Us Anything mini-series as we answer your questions and seek to apply biblical wisdom to different areas within parentin...
Ask Us Anything 2: How Do You Handle Modesty and Sexuality With Kids During the Summer?
How do you address modesty and sexuality in the midst of the summer months? Join our family discipleship team for the second episode in our Ask Us Anything mini-series as we answer your questions and seek to apply biblical wisdom to diffe...
Ask Us Anything 1: How Do I Discern What My Kids Should Read and Watch?
How do you discern what your kids should read and watch? Join our family discipleship team for the first episode in our Ask Us Anything mini-series as we answer your questions and seek to apply biblical wisdom to different areas within parentin...
Why is Everyone Talking About Gender?
Why is there so much confusion about gender in our culture? Why has something that once seemed so simple become something so complex? And most importantly, how can we love and train our children well and protect them from destructive and danger...
Our Emotions and How We Know What We Know
Contrary to popular belief, we should not follow our hearts because our feelings aren’t a reliable guide to truth or happiness. Join us as special guest Joseph Backholm helps us consider the deceitfulness of the heart, the authority of Scriptur...
The Foundation of Rejoicing in God’s Good Design for Sexuality
Join us as special guest Joseph Backholm helps us consider why Christians are out of step with the surrounding culture, and how surrendering to the authority of Jesus is the foundation of real joy human flourishing.